tribute to JaH

>> May 22, 2007

::Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.::

today is jah's last day here in my office... so jah, hope you're reading this, heheh.. su, trendsetter siot!

err.. tiba2 blank.

rasanya dr awal lagi dah rasa jah xkan stay kat sini lama... tapi when the day actually comes, rasa mcm x percaya.

mula2 nampak jah ni mcm serious je... lama2 rupa2nya jenis yg blur n x control2 jugak ye.

(haha mesti dah nampak apa yg kita cuba buat ni... hehe)

walaupun kita berdua x pernahnya duduk dekat2... tapi jah selalu jugak dtg ke tpt kita, pastu kita pulak yg selalu gi melawat.

baru ingat nak mesra2, gi bandung sama2.... last2 x dpt jugak, nak buat mcm mana.

apa2 pun, stay the 'poyo' n 'kontrol cun' you... 'coz it's hard to find somebody else who laughs like you!

p/s: jah, have fun at ericsson! gonna miss you lah.


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