just (don't) do it?
>> July 22, 2008
::think of all the great things we can wash!::
discovered sth on the net. chuck's cpt awesome aka devon is an illini alumnus! dunno why i'm so excited. i mean, there are tons of other alumni who made their marks in the course of world history (ehem, nick holonyak jr., roger ebert, hugh hefner, steve chen, just to name a few).
btw, that was written some 2 weeks ago, masa tgh 'busy' habiskan cuti sebelum tamat kontrak. yea sekarang sudah permanent alhamdulillah! err more like 'belum confirm', tapi doesn't matter la, one foot there already.
in terms of work? x byk berubah sgt. still have to sit in front of the PC everyday for 8hrs tops, still have to achieve the monthly target, still have to have lunch at liteneasy. yg berubah? feelings kot, rasa terjamin siket masa depan, heheh.
ada org ckp kat aku, "mesti SKT (that's sasaran kerja tahunan to you) byk markah kan?" i was like, wha? okay 1st, that person doesn't know me until this year, so how in the world did he/she know of my performance? 2nd, what's it to him/her? i didn't realize there's some competition going on around. lagi satu, apa guna join itu ini tapi x ikhlas? aku ingat haritu masa ckp2 pasal sports tourney yg bakal berlangsung x lama lagi, bila aku ckp aku x tau / x terer main tenis n boling, dia ckp, "ni masuk pun sbb nak naikkan markah skt". personally, to me that's not a good attitude. sports is supposed to make you feel good about yourself. where's the fun in doing it just because you have to?
heh, at least that's what i think i should say to that person. instead all i said was, "huh." biasa la, nak ckp depan2 bukan senang. byk komplikasinya. and x sempat pun masa tu... xde kerja aku nak stay back semata2 nak ckp benda yg xde faedah utk aku hehe. ye la, kalau takat masuk tapi memusnahkan rasa enjoy org lain, diri sendiri jugak yg problem nanti, sbb menyusahkan org.
haha apa aku mengarut ni. sbb benda ni je yg aku duk fikir. kdg2 aku pun risau skt aku markah x tinggi ke, tapi nak tau gak, apa benefits utk org2 yg level mcm aku? sbb aku dgr dulu pegawai2 xyah join benda2 ni pun xpe. tiba2 duk dgr sume org masuk sume benda, aku pun jadi cuak siket2. x penting kan kan kan kawan2...
whatever it is, bila nak dpt file bulan ni? kemaruk nak buat file dah ni heheh.
ok chiow.
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