getaran jiwa

>> June 06, 2008

::andai dipisah lagu dan irama, lemah tiada berjiwa, hampa::


ingat nak update pasal cuti2 msia haritu (freakin' awesome!), tapi mcm kena amik masa yg sgt lama lak. next one, okay?

to k ina nasir, congrats!!! selamat pengantin baru. berseri2 you. sedap makan nasik minyak k ina...

on another note, semlm aku gi tgk p ramlee the musical kat istana budaya. overpaid actually, sbb masa mula2 tgk harga tiket, ada discounts for senior citizens, celcom users n students (aku still ada student card, no expiry date). sekali bila dah book online tu, tiba2 terus charged full price, n xde tanya berapa senior citizens, students, etc. then aku call axcess tickets... rupa2nya kalau yg beli kat axcess outlets / istana budaya je dpt diskaun. chet... rugi duit aku je (err duit parents aku actually, sbb diorg dah janji nak bayar balik hehe).
comment: best gilaaaa! mmg worth every ringgit i tell you... even though kitorg duduk bukan dekat center, still rasa best. my opinion, the ensembles were truly talented. kdg2 aku lagi enjoy group singing dr solos. tapi xleh lawan suara liza hanim aa. let's not forget: musly ramlee as p ramlee. suara sejibik. gaya pun sebijik sebijon. especially nyanyi lagu barang yg lepas jgn dikenang, hampir2 berair mata aku. atilia as junaidah is good as well. emelda (azizah) punya appearance kejap sgt, tapi ok la. melissa saila... hmm aku rasa dia mcm over, tapi maybe character norizan tu yg mmg mcm tu.
if not mistaken, ada group luscious fr previous season's gangstarz. diorg ni mmg almost every scene ada. best2... nyanyi sedap / lawak. infinatez fr gangstarz pun ada, tapi aku x kenal sgt. ok la. err note to wati: azrul cham ada! hehe kalau time dia onstage, mmg aku byk focus kat dia je. best aa dia ckp. menari pun pandai... haha wati jeles la tuh.
overall, mmg best aa. lawak, sedih, gembira, bengang sume ada. ada sekali tu time intermission, mamat belakang aku ckp kat kawan dia, "touching siot." pdhal sebelum mula tu aku bajet dia ni jenis mcm mamat digi yg tgk wayang tu ("taiko maa..."). hehe sorry ye bang. pastu aku terkagum jap yg time stage terangkat n split. serious x terpikir. oh cuma aku rasa the climax part is not that "bam!". mcm bila dah part tu, aku bajet ada lagi, tapi mcm tiba2 makin turun makin turun, then habis. i was like, "mana high point of this story?" waah kalau adlin aman ramlie baca ni mesti dia bidas. but that's just me. x mencacatkan the overall performance pun.
conclusion: if you ever heard of the name "p.ramlee", you should go and see this. even kitorg yg hanya kenal p ramlee through his work pun boleh terpukau, inikan pulak mereka2 yg ada masa zaman kegemilangan p ramlee. just one advice: book awal2, tapi dekat outlets, jgn book / beli online. dpt seat not at the center of istana budaya pun xpe, asal jgn yg plg depan / plg tepi.
ok chiow.


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