less is more

>> August 23, 2007

::It may sound absurd but don't be naive; Even heroes have the right to bleed::

argh x sabar nak tunggu 2nd season of heroes. been spending quite some time reading the novels, supposedly to fill you in on what's not shown on TV. and they did hell of a good job (says one who always google "nbc heroes", heheh).

aku rasa kalau kat rumah aku ada broadband, mesti hari2 dload heroes ni. nasib baik xde (ye ke nasib baik?). tapi tulah, best je org lain dah tgk. yea ordinary people bore me, heheh. then again, supernatural pun ok gak. ackles tu hensem. mcm muka yg dibentuk dr tanah liat, haha. kalau gay tu mmg waste of source la.

dah jadi habit aku la agaknya ni.... when i'm not typing, 3 of my left hand fingers will rest on A, S, D; my left thumb's on the spacebar, jari kelingking kiri terangkat. kalau tgn kanan tu variasi siket, kdg kat arrow keys, kdg2 kat mouse. heheh kalau dlm cite psych (yea cite tv lagi), yg watak utama tu (spencer kot) ckp tu typical of an office worker who plays game on his/her pc at work (sort of... x ingat exact line). heheh, tapi aku xde la sgt main game kat office ni... game yg guna ASD combination, i mean. tah, sejak dulu kot. yg pastinya, sejak tgk psych tu baru aku perasan aku pun mcm tu. mintak2 xde org ingat aku asyik main game je.

mlm ni 3rd season finale of lost. cis, aku dah terbaca kat wiki yg charlie akan mati. siot je... he said he wants out of lost 'coz his role has gotten smaller n unimportant. tulah, asal hensem je jadi watak utama. jack dgn sawyer tu patut watak picisan je (read at wiki that jack's supposed to die in the pilot! cis3). err tapi sawyer tu xpe, sbb hensem, heheh... cuma sekarang dia mcm buncit siket. hahah mcm budak2 sekolah yg baru jumpa lelaki heheh. sekali sekala... org keliling yg aku jumpa pun xde yg hensem, so have to rely on tv entertainment.

tiba2 rasa mcm nak tgk anime lak. tah bila tah dpt tgk...

ok chiow.


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