
>> January 04, 2010

::A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.::

can't help thinking: is it worth it?

frustrating when you know that you know the answer to the last question; it's just that you're too slow of a writer to even attend to it. there goes my 10 marks.

and to think that i've declined every (albeit almost nonexistent) wedding or get-together invitations for the last month.

i need to stray away from the usual:
Q: what do you think the effect of X?
A: Z.

and migrate to the new:
Q: what do you think the effect of X?
A: to understand the effect of X, we need to understand: what is X? we've seen that in Y X is interpreted as "...." while in J X is defined as "....". the issue here is whether X actually affects Z-related entities, and if so, in what way.

... and that's just the intro.

or maybe, it's just me.

and time2 mcm ni jugak aku rasa sume org ternganga je mulut tunggu org suapkan. and that "org" is expected to be me. apsal bila aku nak org suap, aku kena mintak, kena tagih? apsal aku pun semangat sgt nak tolong? it sucks when you know the sincerity has been long replaced by obedience. or maybe fear. fear of being badmouthed.

get used to it. i'm not as nice as you might think. so don't get all "omg what happened to the usual her?" when that happens.

stress disorder? i'd like to think so. let's hope the mood changes next week, bila dah habis exam.

aku x tgk lagi avatarrrr

ok chiow.


hani-rosli January 14, 2010 at 5:36 AM  

pia yang baik senang kena buli... hehehe

- S R R - January 14, 2010 at 8:26 AM  

k hani!!

haha tulah org pun selalu ckp mcm tu. tapi susah la hidup kalau sume org pentingkan diri sendiri kan...

kdg2 kan kita tlg org tu sbb fikir nnt bila2 kot kita mintak tlg diorg, diorg lak boleh tolong. tapi kdg2 x kunjung tiba pun pertolongan tu

tapi x sume laa, ada yg mmg baik hati. tapi tulah, terbawak2 perasaan tu heheh

wah ada blog lain ke? x tau pun... hehe mmg tercomel la puteri k hani tu. pelangi eh? heheh

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