funny side up

>> September 01, 2009

::To laugh at a man of sense is the privilege of fools.::


sometimes laughter can be a poison...
but for me it's still THE medicine. heheh.

ada this one time lecturer aku tgh mengajar, sambil duduk depan pc kat depan (yea i know bm is confusing). she was sitting on this never-seen-before red chair, similar to the red chairs found in my office, or probably other offices as well. she was obviously not comfortable sitting there, coz she fidgeted a lot, trying to figure out how to lower / higher (ye ke?) the chair to her liking. mmg aku dgn kawan aku mcm tersenyum2 gak aa tgk, tapi kitorg x pikir apa pun.

tgh syok lecturer aku berckp, tiba2 kerusi tu terturun dgn sendiri. not like mendadak zupp laju, tapi obvious la turun dgn byknya jugak. and all the while, she was still talking. hahaha time ni aku dah hampir2 nak tergelak, tapi leh tahan lagi. control2, we're in class.. focus2. tiba2 terdgr ada kawan sebelah aku tergelak (sumpah aku rasa dua2 kawan belah kiri (oop sapa terasa haha) dan kananku ada gelak siket). dammit bila dah terdgr ada org gelak, aku terus xleh control. well, still cuba control gelak, tapi failed miserably la, sbb aku gelak yg tutup mulut tu (aa sungguh buruk sekali). last2 kawan2 aku pun gelak sekali, tapi sume gelak tertahan2 la.

it would've been a quiet, isolated incident altogether, if not for my lecturer said, "i hate this chair." wahahaha aku mmg gelak gila laa time tu. lawak siot. esoknya kitorg still boleh gelakkan pasal tu lagi, sbb kawan aku sound, "ko ni gelak x agak2. kesian tau prof." "ko pun gelak jugak." "sbb ko gelak." etc etc.

looking back (yes i linger on the funny things in my life hehe), aku x tau apa yg sebenarnya menggelikan hati. adakah

i) perbuatan lecturer aku bersusah payah atas kerusi itu (ini dipengaruhi oleh seseorang itu juga ye, kalau beauty queens buat ni mesti nampak graceful haha)

ii) the perception that others noticed it, but they pretended they didn't? (yg mungkin sume org pun rasa kelakar, tapi the fact yg sume tahan gelak made it funnier --- farfetched, i know but a theory nonetheless)

iii) it's just me, who tend to see the funny side of things *most* of the time?

iv) the prospect of it being funny in future retellings?

v) all of the above?

apa pun, aku rasa aku suka gelakkan org. but really, there's no ill-intention there. aku jarang gelak yg dibuat2 (kalau aku gelak dlm ym/gtalk pun, aku akan tergelak siket in real life hehe). it's just that certain elements, when put together, deserve a laugh. aku pernah baca kat manetah, ada sorg bg soalan, "kenapa kita gelakkan org yg terjatuh?" hehe aku x ingat la jawapannya (sth along the lines of 'apa pun, x baik gelakkan orang'), but the point is, it's a legit question. sama mcm "kenapa bila kita bersin kita tutup mata?" kind of questions.

selalunya time kena lecture (as in by the seniors) dulu2, akan ada senior yg akan salah ckp ke, or ckp benda merepek, or mmg saja buat lawak. mmg rasa mcm nak mati aa tahan gelak time2 mcm ni, sbb takut kena jerkah balik (apa gelak2??!?). maybe they figured out a sadistic way of making our lives miserable. sakit perut tahan gelak adalah lagi menyakitkan dari sakit senggugut. lagi2 bila ramai yg mengalami simtom yg serupa.

lagipun, bukan senang nak gelakkan org yg kita jarang gelakkan. haha priceless.

let's just hope it's not gonna kill me, figuratively and literally.

ok chiow.


Mardiana Kamaruddin September 1, 2009 at 7:59 PM  

ok tet, part yang senior buat lawak tp kene tahan gelak itself deserve a laugh.. hehe lawak gila ni..

dillhanim September 2, 2009 at 12:23 AM  

tapi tet, aku personally rasa senggugut lagi sakit macam nak mati.. huhuhu..

- S R R - September 2, 2009 at 8:28 AM  

haha kan tanjung kan... kadang2 rasa nak sekeh je senior2 tu. tah hapa2 haha. err why privatisation? nak join sekaki...

erk ye ke dill? err xleh nak tolong tu. tapi betul gak, kdg2 senggugut lagi sakit. tapi kdg2, sakit tahan gelak tu lagi sakit, sbb melibatkan emosi, fizikal, mental, etc hehe

Mardiana Kamaruddin September 3, 2009 at 4:20 PM  

takla tet.. bukan privatise.. tp memang dah tutup.. sebab dah migrate gi wordpress.. ni haaa address baru:

- S R R - September 4, 2009 at 9:34 AM  

oh ok... kena remove tg punya blog link la gitu. hehe wordpress ni bahaya siket, sbb ada kemungkinan kena block by the office heheh (err not that blogspot is forever safe though...)

tq for the link!

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