tch tch tch

>> February 18, 2011

::There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us.::

byk kerja. byk tanggungan. byk masalah.

kena byk bersabar, byk mengucap, byk berzikir. byk berfikiran positif.

i think i spent wayy too much time on work. yet still byk kerja tertangguh. ke aku yg kurang bijak membahagikan masa? motivasi kurangkah?

maybe it's the new place. haha ada hati salahkan tempat lak kan, pdhal diri sendiri tu yg dah malas. bukan malas... kerja makin memeningkan. huwaaaa rasa nak gi jalan2...

sekian luahan hati


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