
>> August 25, 2009

it's Ramadhan, and i haven't tasted any kuih raya... yet.

confused? well obviously you're not a female in malaysia. for kuih raya is everywhere precisely before Ramadhan. even as early as nisfu Syaaban.

still in the dark? well maybe you are a loner, never have had the pleasure of interacting with other ppl whom you call 'colleagues' / '-mates'.

plus some other possibilities.

ramai je jual kuih raya, bg email ajak jemput rasa sume, tapi sume x sempat nak rasa (3-prose poem?). busy kot...

or should i blame this to my misplaced or probably lost excitement in enjoying Ramadhan as i have done effortlessly before? or is it due to the fact that not many share the same uplifting thoughts when it comes to Ramadhan (and increasingly so)? or, as usual, does it have something to do with the prospect of getting old?

if the latter's true, then i can see a bleak future ahead.

sometimes i do wonder if i am better off being a recluse.

anyhoo, seriously impressed by blog owners who manage to blog hop their whole day, and still being satisfied with themselves. i don't, hehe. tiba2 terdpt penyakit nak visit all of friends' blogs, friends of friends' blogs (2nd degree?)... and didn't have the guts to venture beyond. depressing aa gak tgk (read) interesting stories they wrote, not to mention over the top (hello, how much problem can a teenager have? drama queens). and most of all, apsal sume english sedap je? ke tahap pemahaman aku yg lemah? ke nampak hebat sbb balik2 cite pasal boyfriend/girlfriend yg kejap nak kejap x ndak, so balik2 boleh improvise on the group of vocabs you can associate the topic with? erk aku ni puji ke kondem nih?

aku pernah dgr gak yg org saja reka cite dlm blog as to attract visitors. lame. if you don't have anything to tell, then don't. lies won't get you anywhere decent. somewhere yes, but not anywhere decent. and, who cares about visitors? most of the visitors are there probably to ask you to visit their blogs anyways. or maybe buy sth from them. heh, alasan utk org yg dpt x sampai 20 pun sehari. well, like i care. err not that i'm gonna berate at those who do. kalau xde org nak baca xde la aku tulis.

utk menyedapkan hati sendiri: you are not what you write. not 100% at least.

and ramadhan may remind you of the sad things that have happened, but it's not an excuse to not treat ramadhan as a special month. we are muslims, after all.

p/s: ramadhan mubarak.. sama2lah kita memanfaatkannya.


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