kucing-kucing sekalian

>> February 03, 2009

been meaning to put pics of my adorable cats for a while... but never had the chance to (bagi lah org lain guna laptop lak wey! bayar x nak...cis)

pics taken by my bro, who actually put them in his blog, but i refuse to put the link here. too immature for my liking... why do teenagers these days feel that cursing and swearing can elevate their 'cool' factor? if you're cool, then you're cool, period. no need to make a fool of yourselves.

btw, do girls dig guys with a sailor mouth? i mean, really?

persie: kucing jalanan yg abah kutip kat mana tah. bulu gila lembut... anak susuan lobo. sekarang dah besar, collar tu pun dah x muat. tapi dah besar makin x putih

my personal favorite... caring gila aah si lobo ni. dgn si persie sekali disusukannya. dlm proses hendak dimandulkan. kesian aa beranak 2 kali setahun. n kesian kitorg jugak

one of lobo's 2nd generation kittens... sampai sekarang x diberi nama lagi (dah masuk 4 bulan dah kot)

comot: ... yg comel. the only firstborn survived. macho ok comot ni. padat. going thru his puberty, asyik mengiau je. ada potensi utk dikasikan jugak ni

mangsa comot. takut kecik2 dah bunting je... yg ni pun xde nama lagi. panggil 'yg putih' je.

ok chiow.

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