same difference / different sameness
>> January 28, 2009
::Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.::
it just occurred to me, that subconsciously i thought of the bmw logo whenever i saw the wordpress logo. and i have no idea how did that happen.
erk okay, not bmw, but vw. how did i get confused by the two is beyond me.
thinking of putting wordpress links here, but they might be short-lived, since this 'privilege' might be lifted off anytime (so wordpress / fotopages users, sorry... hehe). ni pun dah cukup byk dah ni, x tertgk aku.
learned a new thing among many. if you travel with a doctor, be prepared to lend a hand whenever you passed by an accident. by that, i mean to stop by the roadside to give way for your doctor friend to help the needy.
and by that, i mean it's better to always drive on the middle lane (or left lane even), in case you want to pull the car over to the emergency lane, since of course you want your car to be as close to the accident site as possible.
also, if you are driving on the right lane, be mentally prepared to hear shoutings and honkings (?) from others when you adamantly try to squeeze your car to the leftmost lane. imagine doing that on a peak-hr busy road.
who knows, you might save a life.
and that was exactly what i DID NOT do when it happened.
and up until today i'm still wondering whether the guy came through or not.
imagine what my doctor friend felt that time, when i refused to stop, just because i didn't want to disrupt the good flow of traffic that day. just because i was overwhelmed by the panic i felt, of seeing the dented car and the group of ppl trying to lift a guy from the small ditch near the divider. of the motorcycle we didn't see. of the rows and rows of cars passing by the site.
and even when my friend answered, "ethically, i should."