sensitive to the touch
>> July 15, 2010
::Fear is the darkroom where the Devil develops his negatives.::
there are times when i think i'm socially inept. err i know i'm socially inept. the thought that i know i'm socially inept makes me becoming more socially inept. sensitif sgt haha.
aku x berapa gemar orang tanya dalam nada negatif. haha aku pun x tau mcm mana nak ckp, tapi ada satu bentuk/jenis ayat/soalan ni yg implies, "why in the world would you [insert verb] that?"
haritu ada org tanya aku, "oo mmg sain ko mcm ni eh?" in my mind, it means, "you mean this stupid-looking signature is permanently and professionally yours?". bab2 ni yg aku rasa champion mmg mak aku la. esp time masak la kan. nnt kang ada je soalan, "awak tak letak [cili/bawang/kicap] eh?" in other words: "apakejadah masak x letak [cili/bawang/kicap]?" maybe it's just me. apa2 pun mmg aku sgt annoyed dgn soalan2 yg merendahkan kredibiliti aku ni. walaupun aku sememangnya layak ditegur. tu yg malas nak masak tu (hehe alasan).
tapi kalau mak aku buat mmg aku x kisah sgt, sbb well, she's my mother. she can say whatever she wants, and i still love her. TAPI bila org luar buat, mmg aku hangin. esp bila soalan2 tu diajukan utk benda2 yg x perlu nak dipersoalkan pun. mcm sain aku la. i mean, why do you care?
ceh aku rasa mcm byk lagi contoh2 lain yg org persoalkan, tapi tgh x ingat pulak.
kalau nak tanya pasal sain aku yg sgt pendek dan comel lote tu, you can ask like this: "eh eh comelnya sign! mmg dari dulu ke guna sign tu?" or kalau pasal masakan, "kenapa x letak lebih [cili/bawang/kicap]?" it gives off a positive / suggestive mood to the question, instead of making it a sarcastic, degrading remark.
it's not the subject matter that i'm annoyed about; it's the wordings, how you approach the subject that annoys me. or maybe it's the person who says it. haha selective betul. so if i ever suddenly become defensive, you know you've hit my sensitive spot.
err is that allowed?
ok chiow.
sensitive spot.... hahah macam g-spot?
g-spot tu apa? g-shock tau la hahaha ;)
ko mmg cepat kan benda2 mcm ni
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