
>> July 24, 2010

::Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.::

so finally the result's out. haha somehow aku rasa aku dpt markah kesian. hey as long as i'm graduating.

i've changed so much.

zaman sekolah rendah adalah zaman yg paling relaxing. aku ingat time exam aku selalu paling cepat siap, siap kena sound sbb kacau budak belakang aku. actually more like cuba borak2 dgn budak belakang aku. ye la, sapa tahan duduk diam je sementara nak tunggu masa tamat? haha and homework? kacang goreng. aku boleh balik sekolah terus buat hw, before mak aku balik aku dah boleh siap. and she got back home lunchtime.

and maths was my favorite subject. esp time kat jasin, cikgu aku (i think her name is pn zainon) jenis kasi soalan sampai beratus2 sehari. mmg xyah fikir aa jawab soalan maths. cuma time upsr aku slack siket salah satu soalan (mcm mana aku tau? lepas exam cikgu terus cek jawapan yg aku tanda dlm kertas biru tu). pastu bila balik rumah aku cerita kena marah dgn mak bapak aku pasal salah soalan tu. (baru2 ni aku baru dpt tau yg kawan aku time sekolah rendah dulu ingat bapak aku garang sbb diorg dpt tau aku kena marah sbb x dpt nombor satu). haha old times.

sekarang? xde dah nak fikir dpt betul sume ke x. lebih kepada fikir "kalau aku dpt ni 7 markah, aku kena dpt berapa markah ek utk soalan ni utk lulus?" or there are times i wished that everybody did not so great so the lecturers would 'turunkan graf' a bit.

it's normal then that even to this very day, i would look upon my results and sighed, "apsal laa aku xleh dpt 4.0 mcm diorg?" now i sound like i'm ungrateful. but i'm not. i'm really happy with my result. because i really2 thought i won't make it.

haha sore loser.

maybe deep down inside i know i could've done better. maybe i resent the fact that i'm settled for the bare minimum requirements of life.

oh sudah2 la tu. i should be happy, dpt merasa konvo kat msia pulak.

ok chiow.


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